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To my blog
greeen bubbles reside. (:

About moi

Name : Nicholas Koo
School : Victoria School
Gender : Look at my school, and think about it.
Class : 1G'09, 2G'10
CCA : NCC SCHOOL TEAM!; Dragonboat


☻/ HI!
/ \......
Bob is taking over blogs now!!!


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Friday, January 22, 2010
So, this will be my final, well-anticipated and last blogpost for this English Project. And the honour to be in this last post, will go to my Co-curricular activity, NCC LAND(school team! :D)!

Usually on Fridays, a bunch of my NCC cadets and i would leave our bags in class, have lunch then come back to change. Changing usually takes a rather long time due to the tedious process of putting on boots, gutters and having to squeeze our arms under the suffocating "smart fold".

Anyway, we as usual assemble in the "fall in" position at the amphitheatre at 2.15pm with the muslims being an exception. Afterwhich, the senior would clear the administrative stuff such as attendance and safe-keeping of valuables. Then we would proceed to the back of the hostel where we conduct our drill training. Our seniors started off with a few simple drills, stationary ones. We were perfecting them until suddenly the senior wanted a change in timer and the command "Dairikiri Chepad Jalan!"(forward march) came out. Thats where EVERTHING went wrong, or as Mr Maran calls it, THE TWIST!:D At first we were marching quite well, then another command appeared, "Keplakan pu seng!"(turn around 180degrees). At first we executed the command with perfection(duh ;D) but because the timer was to loud, when the senior gave the latter drill, the front part of the platoon couldnt hear it due to the timer and completely messed up. The whole platoon at that moment split into 3 parts, A, B and C. A(my group) did'nt hear the drill and continued marching in the same direction. B executed the command and turned successfully, while C being in the middle, was confused on who they should follow. Thankfully the seniors did not punish us, but even i have to say, that if other Uniformed groups were here, we would've been the laughing stock of the school.

-Nicholas Koo

Dark river fish bubbled @ [10:25 PM]

4th blog post now! This was supposed to be done yesterday. But due to some difficulties, this is done today. So in this post, lets just count everthing to be yesterday, okay? Now, i'll be telling you guys about my dragonboat training! :D

So, we started off training rather late due to the seniors having lessons. But once they arrived, we ran from the back of the library, to the east coast lagoon, and run 2 rounds there(I know it sounds like nothing to the Sports CCA people, but don't be mean ok?). Afterwhich we did the standard 90 push-ups, 150 crunches and 50 pull-ups. We were then supposed to go to the gym, but due to overcrowding, we could not use it and as a result, had an early dismissal.

During training, Xian Jun, our team's most "godly" guy(HE CAN DO 20 PULL-UPS AT 1 GO), had a hospital checkup, and could'nt make it for training. Also, most of the secondary 3s were gone for freestyle drill training. I wanted to make use of this opportunity, to FOR ONCE come in first for running the 2.4km run. But just as i was about 50m away from the finishing mark, the guy beside me, Faris, rushed ahead like there was no tomorrow. And as a result i could not come in first placing but second(like always D:) instead. I just hope one day, i will beat everyone who is in front of me and come in first, for once(if that day will ever come :().

-Nicholas Koo

Dark river fish bubbled @ [9:40 PM]

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
As expected, this is my 3rd blog post. Following up from my previous post, before i left for Japan, my previous maid had requested a trip back to her home country to visit, as her mother was going for an operation. So, being nice people(;D), we let her return, trusting her to return back, as it was really up to them, you can't force them to come back here. But, after we came back from the holiday, she did not return and we found out, before she left she actually damaged a few of our items like my mother's blouse for instance. Although deeply infurated by the "reward" for our act of kindness, we had no options, except to hire a new maid.

A few weeks later, she arrived here at our house. Being from Myanmar, her english communicative skills were'nt that perfect. But i guess we had to give her a chance, as she might improve over time. And from my perspective, I think she might me colourblind(you're not alone Joshua!). If you're going to ask why, I asked her for green grapes, and she took out a packet of red Jumbu. I later asked for a yellow bag, she handed me a bright orange bag. But I guess what suprised me the most is that she was 45 years old!!! Practically 2 years older then my mother! Up to now, shes been quite good, but i guess we'll have to give her slightly more time to settle to her new lifestyle.

-Nicholas Koo

Dark river fish bubbled @ [7:52 PM]

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
So, this is my 2nd post for the Blog Creation Project. And in this post I will be sharing something that happened during my Japan trip(see 1st post) that I will never forget.

Well, in my 1st post, I mentioned that I visisted the Sapporo Kokusai Ski Resort. Also, I mentioned that the over-confident me went up the mountain, assuming that I could handle it. While my father and I(my mother and sister chickened out :p)were riding on the ski lift, my father wanted to get a picture of the view from up there. But just as he was taking his Olympus digital camera out of his pocket, it slipped of his gloves and fell into the soft blanket of white, knee-deep snow below. After we got down the mountain, my father went to the customer service counter to ask for help to find his camera, afterwhich we continued to frolick around in the winter wonderland.

The next day, we came back. Even after one night of searching, and the hopes of finding it being significantly low, the girl from the counter yesterday approached us as we were having lunch, holding a shiny, rectangular, metallic object. They had found my father's camera! Elated and full of gratitude to the girl, my father thanked her profusely and after that bought a crate of japanese beer as a reward for their hard work.

This brings my to my point. The japanese have a very good working attitude, as you can clearly see from my story. Even after one whole night of searching, and even the chances of finding it are one in a million, AND EVEN if the camera could be tucked ANYWHERE underneath the frosty snow, they did not give up hope. And that is something which is definitely admirable and respectable about the japanese.

-Nicholas Koo

Dark river fish bubbled @ [11:02 PM]

Monday, January 18, 2010
Well, this is quite obviously is my first post for the 'English Blog Creation Project' or as Mr Maran would call it, the Orientation! :D Anyways this post will be about my December holiday which I spent in Hokkaido and Tokyo, Japan.

Our trip, which comprised of a 14 day 13 night stay in Japan, was divided into 2 parts. 9 days would be spent in Hokkaido, while the last 5 days would be spent roaming around Tokyo.

After the long flight from our local Changi Airport to the Narita Airport in Tokyo, we had to take a bus from the Narita Airport to the Haneda airport, some 1 hours drive apart. Afterwhich we boarded yet ANOTHER plane bound for the local airport in Hokkaido. In Hokkaido, we visited famous places for example, the TV tower, clock tower and the Ex-governer's office. But in my opinion, the main highlight of that part of the trip was the visit to the Sapporo Kokusai Ski Resort.

At the ski resort, my whole family tried skiing!(Which we completely at totally failed at) In the end, when I went up the mountain to try it out, I fell down so many times that I was too scared to ski and in the end walked down half the whole mountain. Thankfully the snow there was very soft so i did not get any injuries.

Well thats pretty much what we did in Hokkaido. Afterwhich we travelled to Tokyo, where we visited much more famous landmarks like Disneyland, Disneysea(the only one in the world!), Mt. Fuji and Hakone. We also did a whole bunch of factory outlet shopping so that both adults and kids enjoy the holiday. (:

In the end, we came back to Singapore with only 5 days till the first term starts ): But I have to admit that that trip was one of the most memorable trips ever. ;)

-Nicholas Koo

Dark river fish bubbled @ [5:50 PM]

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Yea...so this is my first blogpost. It is NOT one of the english assignments post. Well yea, I know my bubbles are blurry and my blog is rather lame. Also I know my bubbles are completely imcomparable to mervin's fishes, but they have feelings, don't hurt them kay? ):
Well if you do like my bubbles and want to play with them, CTRL is to add more bubbles and SPACEBAR is to make it anti-gravity-ish. Well hope you enjoy my blog :)

Dark river fish bubbled @ [11:12 PM]